A federal court in OH ruled that a college professor must use "preferred" pronouns to a transgender student or else LOSE HIS JOB.
Followers are NOT important. You are only preaching to the choir.
It's more important to get to the people that don't follow you, by posting red pills on daily topics that are trending.
Oscar winner
If you want to cook the numbers, you have to let it bake for a while.
Bewbs Don't Satisfy Men
Yes. I even go to LBGQ topics and post the things Trump Admin have done for their rights, etc.
Any topic Trending. I have gotten conversations going with normies and debunked some of their
crap they are brainwashed with.
Try and stay away from the rabid TDS areas. You will get more interaction from
those that aren't so fucked up. They are already lost and won't change.