Trump should layoff the unnecessary 800,000 fed employees during the next budget impasse. Loosen up the DC real estate for conservatives.
Q stuff never happens, the board is more about the anon for me. I've viewed Q with extreme skepticism since the midterms were so fucking safe. I view Q and Trumps DOJ as failures at this point.
Trump needs to hire the Dice Man as Press Secty.
Norman Vincent Peale is Trumps main man. Now, Jeffres.
When Trump came in, I started to have some hope for the country and my childrens future again. I had lost it really during the horrible Bushbama years.
Jew would?
*Disinfo is necessary.
Inject the pots just once, you're hooked for life and will soon be living under the freeway.
Sad for you.
Was never on that except for I think qresearch was on it briefly. Why would I lie about it. Duh. Eejit.
Durham is supposed to indict, not report.
Disrupting some graft and corruption no doubt.
Trump doesn't listen to her. His real team is Scavino, Jared, Ivanka, the peeps who travel with him .
You're a real low iq muthfucka aren't you? Better for you to shut up so nobody notices.
He chose Joe because he's stupid and wouldn't know what was really going on with the muzzie fake.
Rockefeller started big pharma and got pot banned.
A maniacal murderer with a heart of gold. Touching.