Sanhedrin Mints Coin for the Battle of the Army of Light Against the Army of Darkness
By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz February 21, 2020 , 2:05 pm
“We are minting a series of coins to reflect a prophetic process that is unfolding right now,” Persoff said. “Just as Cyrus paved the way that enabled the Jews to build the Second Temple, President Trump began a similar process.”
“With his Deal of the Century, Trump acknowledged the covenant that gave all of Israel to the Jewish People. Just as any significant national even is commemorated by minting a coin, we are minting a coin to announce that, for the first time in 2,000 years, a major world leader is acknowledging this covenant.”
“This is not a political event. This is an opening for each country, for each individual, to take part in what is becoming a global reawakening to the Biblical covenant. This is the starting point from which the Messiah will grow.”
Persoff warned that such moves towards Redemption can be a catalyst for trouble.