Jean Echenoz
Envoyée Spécial is a burlesque espionage novel that mainly revolves around the fate of Constance, an ephemeral ex glory of the song with its success Excessif1. Kidnapped in Paris by three men hired by a high DGSE official, Constance is far from any civilization, i.e. in the Creuse countryside not far from Châtelus-le-Marcheix and Bénévent-l'Abbaye, where he gradually intertwines relationships of growing sympathy with his captors. At the same time, Lou Tausk, her husband, is no longer worried about this sudden and prolonged absence which allows him to renew his married life with the secretary of his brother, a brilliant lawyer.
Life in Creuse generates a mental state in Constance that allows her to carry out the mission that has been assigned to her. This mission then takes her to Pyongyang, North Korea, to get closer to General Gang Un-ok, a dignitary of the country ready, despite the risks, to desert through the Korean demilitarized zone and surprisingly a fan of the Excessif song which was a happened in the country.