>"Like, OH MY GAWD. I just looooooooooove introducing my toddler to new and diverse ideas! Minor attraction acceptance is soooooooooo in right now!"
Some people really just shouldn't be parents.
>"Like, OH MY GAWD. I just looooooooooove introducing my toddler to new and diverse ideas! Minor attraction acceptance is soooooooooo in right now!"
Some people really just shouldn't be parents.
>child abuse
And it's right down in Times Square, to boot. With a nice little pedo swirl on display too.
His parents need worse than arrest. Consider me for the firing squad, monitoring agent.
Kek, they both look like they're having the time of their lives.
>le internet tough guy
Your pattern recognition needs as much work as your reading comprehension.
>and he responds instantly
Kek, this was fun. Thanks for reminding me I forgot to block you spamfag.
They do sort of have that "brb on the way to my own funeral" look.
The government is moving at the speed of government, unsurprisingly.
It pisses me off as well, but I see things at least moving in the right direction now. Which is more than you can say for say circa 2018.
>science & facts
These change definition as much as religious interpretation nowadays, funny enough. Perhaps even more so.
Would've made a great RPG or something. Also eerily accurate portrayal of the future. Multicultural yet absolutely atomized society of consumer drones who live in tiny, overpriced storage units, subsist on low-end service jobs and can only find relief in the digital realm.
Sounds familiar.