Anons, please listen to this. Ran across this on twitter with link to this youtube audio recording.
This guy, Doug, is talking with a guy named Andrews (last name?) and his voice is familiar to me.
He is talking about Washington D.C. shooting being a "shot" and it was "not the war." About his travels overseas (with CIA?)
He said "there is an element that's out to do some horrific things in my country, but to have that element be allowed to do what it wants, if it's making shooters and hurting people so they take away the guns of the general public, that is an energy that needs to be stopped and if it's not stopped, it's going to have to be up to our military to stop it."
… If I was U.S. military and people were making false flag shooters and someone went out and found out who they were and got proof of it and the police refused to do anything about it…
ANDREWS: What are you doing right now (changing the subject)?
Much more on the video:
Portland detective Dan Andrews CIA recording reference and pick their people to Handle my homecoming