Homosexuality is a problem. It will destroy America if left unchecked.
Homosexuals and pedophiles already protected themselves with laws that make any crime they committed 5 years ago to be guiltless.
Homosexuals only need to ride out their crimes against humanity for 5 years and they're in the clear.
Isn't that special?
I was sexually assaulted by a gang during boot camp in Fort Knox, Kentucky during the week of January 14th, 1978, during a freak winter storm.
Ask away. I'm an open book.
I don't hate anyone. I hold the Gay community, who is being less than honest about the depth of their dysfunction, accountable.
All the money is gone. Hezbollah and Hamas have rocks as weapons now. Israel has no one to feel sorry for them.
So sad.
God Bless Anon TY
President Trump's mentor, Roy Cohn, was a homosexual when homosexuals were persecuted and now POTUS is on a mission to ensure that no homosexual is ever persecuted again, to the detriment of American values, culture and the safe evolution of it's Society.
President Trump is trying to correct what there is no correction for - Sins against God and his natural order.
President Trump better wise the fuck up very fast or America will be consigned to a 3rd rate power in a very unstable world without it's leadership.
Science is the new Satan.
The altar of Science is being used to usher in world depopulation, gender neutrality and eventual enslavement of the human race.
See what happens when you don't have Faith in God as an anchor in the Storm?
They want to devalue and manipulate your sexual drive to re-create.
They want to harness your fear through deception.
They want to take away your gender, your family, your culture and your society so they can replace it with the duties of a drone worker who lives separated from God.
That's what homosexuality leads to.
Wake Up America.
If Homosexuals have it so bad in America, why do they have to rely on a murder of one of theirs that occurred over 20 years ago as proof that they should be a protected class?
Wake Up America. The homosexual community doesn't want freedom. They want control
The Communists run the DNC and Homosexuals have carte blanc in the White House.
Genesis 1 26:28
God is the one that makes all this work.
Not a Man.
Not a Preacher.
Not a President.
We have to fight for God or all is lost.
President Trump, look to God, not to voting trends. God got you here. Finish the job by God's rules.
You dance with the fella that brung you and that's the Christians. Don't make us prove it.
The Spirit of God is the weapon of answered prayers that gives a small group the ability to decimate a large group of souls dead to the word of God.
President Trump, are you going to risk the ENGINE of your victories for a meaningless pandering to homosexuals, given the sexual dysfunction that threatens our children's futures on a daily basis?
You need to get some new advisers because these ones suck. We are at the precipice of total annihilation of the enemy.
Patton would be bitch slapping you in the medical tent right now.
Fight for our Children, not homosexuals.