Anonymous ID: 326ded Feb. 22, 2020, 5:22 p.m. No.8221179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1200 >>1214 >>1275 >>1322 >>1384

RV ANON–believe me or not. I know who does believe me. And they're hoping you don't.



>Daily reminder that there is a pandemic going on and we need to keep "trusting the plan"


>Storm about to get really weird when it turns out q was here to pacify us while they finished up what was left of their plan


I did not want to believe that is true but I think it must be. They have RV people too–there's no way if they're any good that they've missed this. I SEE NO CURE OR VACCINE–


I did not want to believe this–I still do not want to believe this–but if he holds ONE MORE big rally then I will have to believe it.


TRUMP may survive it as he'll have the best care possible as will his family..but the rest of us are fucked. And unless people sit down and take the time to watch the progression of video compilations and actually SEE with their own eyes how slowly–how slowly China is dying–no one will let themselves believe.


FUCK I Saw it myself and still it took the videos to really push it home–this is real, it is happening, and it is happening to us and nobody fucking cares.



What the fuck part about too sick to go to work are you not understanding? China has BILLIONS of people and most of them are under pain of death quarantine–some have been forced back to work (and immediately have caught the WuFLu because China cares about money like the US does–not about people.



Remember when you idiots were shilling for Berman Jackson to be appointed to SCOTUS? I said–nope-well here we all are. RV anon. I told you she was dirty.



There are NPCs on both sides of this…the ones on the side of "good" whatever the fuck that is–are useful.



Do you even fucking science bro? DO you know WTF a cytokine storm is? THIS VIRUS detects antibodies and then goes into fucking OVERDRIVE and this is exactly how this virus works. I sincerly hope you are not in the medical profession. If you are that explains why the US medical profession is the 3rd leading cause of death in US.



Bro–I have never prepped in my life. I am prepared to shelter in place. If you had to see the shit I've seen you'd not be laughing.



>Iranians desperate for cash turn to selling their organs

Right now Iranian children are laying in beds gasping for breath and Iranians are dying by the dozen. NO doubt this makes the kikes really happy tho.



Maybe I should make a list of all the countries that have massive cases of Wuflu and are hiding it and the deaths under pneumonia–like China did.




"NO ONE can stop what is coming" that is true–but it doesn't have to be as bad here as it is going to be. THe longer they lie and the longer they remain silent and the MORE RALLIES are held–then I know that thing I do not want to believe–we've been had.



BEST KOREA took care of his people IMMEDIATELY and shut down all incoming traffic and told corrupt WHO to fuck off. While OUR president has continued to ignore it, while Q has ignored it…


BTW "russia" is interfering with the election in favor of Bernie because Bernie can't win, Russia prefers peace.

Anonymous ID: 326ded Feb. 22, 2020, 5:53 p.m. No.8221456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1533 >>1619


"it must be controlled"


Look, if the US were telling the TRUTH about transmission then I would not be sitting her in despair. It's like all the governments have agreed together to LIE to their people. Is this the purge? The great purification? Or the Georgia Guidestones in action?


YOU are the sheep…everyone who obeys and follows without critical thinking–how is it possible that I can post here in early January (once I was sure by looking again that this was indeed the great sickeness I'd seen) and warn them to shut it down–it took them two weeks..who was right? ME or them? I was. And here I am again–telling what I see that I DO NOT WANT TO BELIEVE IS REAL BUT IT IS..and it's so mentally painful to know I am telling them exactly how to mitigate the worst of it (because our president is not Best Korea's president) and know they will not listen. What am I to think of them?


What am I to think? I see how this could be eased, people are still going to catch it and die–but it would not be as bad FOR US in the long run. It will be bad for the billionaires and rich people who suck your blood and labor everyday–and that is who is being listened to-that is who is being protected.


You have grown too comfy with speeches saying what you need to hear–too distracted by endless promises that keep moving the bar..hope–hope is everything and your hope is being exploited.


That being said pressure canned meat has terrible texture but maybe I'm doing it wrong.


If they are the bad guys I will be arrested and silenced like Fang Gin, Chen, Dr. Li–and hundreds of other Chinese people who risked everything to get the truth out.


SO will say again


To weather this storm immediately institute financial help. The fucking banks got a bail out when they were the crooks and we suffered. It's OUR turn. We the people (aside from many of them being 10/10 retards) DID NOT create this, we did not do this but we will pay the price–getting evicted when Walmart fires us because their supply chain is broken–People are going to start loosing their jobs due to this bullshit SOON. 80% of US medicines are produced in CHINA–we did not do that greedy US manufactures and insurance companies did. If our car breaks down and we cannot get parts to fix it and cannot get to work—please, this time–HELP THE PEOPLE and fuck the corporations that put us here. Bezos sold his stock because HE KNOWS–and yet here I sit with millions of readers who do NOT know because you've been LYING to them.


Instead of arresting me HIRE me because you must have some very serious retards working for you if they cannot figure out what will work and help.


STOP –hit the pause button. I SEE your financial reset plan-so why not use this SHUT DOWN to get the ball rolling?


Read my words..was I RIGHT? YES I WAS. NOW do something. DO the right thing for the PEOPLE for a change. And yeah I'm upset because I've been staying at /pol/ where the real autists live where bullshit never flies, and our collection of sciencefags, leakers, economics people–surpasses anything anywhere–the truth is what we want. I come here and see that people are actually believing there is going to be an election..and I am sorry for all of you. Maybe this is what Q meant–and I'll tell you this for free–letting this be worse than it needs to–is a level of evil I don't even want to fucking know about. And you let the name of Jesus pass your lying lips.

Anonymous ID: 326ded Feb. 22, 2020, 5:57 p.m. No.8221494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1541


FUcking kike liar. 2300 deaths are you sucking the china cock? Because we are getting a much better idea of deaths from Worst Korea–and people are dying in the US from this. I just told you they are HIDING IT.