Anonymous ID: 1720f2 Feb. 22, 2020, 6:24 p.m. No.8221746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1795 >>1805 >>1821 >>1824 >>1879 >>1950


Here's the problem with "recovery". Say you get HIV drugs and Chloroqine to help the symptoms and you recover. Now--look at the files attached. There is literally no such thing as recovery.


The only way to "survive" this is not getting it in the first place. The only way NOT to get it is severe social distancing to stop the spread. The reason people are acting all strange about quarantine is false information regarding false negatives. LOOK at all the cruise ship people who did the 14 day quarantine, tested negative then positive days later. 14 days is nothing. It needs to be about 42. That is the furtherst out we've detected infection.


People are like OH well take elderberry it's good for the flu. NO..please no. If you've seen the videos of Chinese dying in Cytokine storms you'd think twice about continuing any immune supporting stuff the second you detect any symptoms. THIS virus LOVES a strong immune system. It will quadruple its efforts and you will die in a cytokine storm much like many of the strong young people did during the 1918 epidemic.


REMINDER: US is NOT testing ANYONE for WUFLU they are denying community transmission. If you did not go to china (and sometimes even if you did) or have any close contacts--you will NOT be tested for Wuflu you will be sent home. Too many of the symptoms are similar to the common flu. IF YOU GO TO HOSPITAL they will test you for Type A & B and if you are negative HOME TO DIE YOU DO..(or rather home to spread it). This thing literally has mild to zero symptoms..the asymptomatic period is LONG. You think you only have a cold--keep going to work--etc..then one day BOOM you can't breath. Or even worse you just suddenly tip over and die--right there.


The idea of testing is to stop the spread..getting it for many is a death sentence. And surviving it means you better not get it again. IN that way it acts like Dengue--you get it again and 10/10 for sure you're fucked.


Fair warning people ARE spreading it on purpose. They still have NO idea who patient zero was in Italy. They thought they did but HE TESTED NEGATIVE (oh wait) symptoms--is he another Typhoid LingLing? Other superspreaders get MILD symptoms. A 10 year old little boy wiped out all the members of his family. He had NO symptoms until the gave him a CSCAN--where they discovered his lungs were completely toast. He's dead. ACEII is silly right now. The sample size was 1 (or 8) and we need more data-no this is not a racially targeted disease--as you will soon see. Arans in Iran are dying bro..their kids are laying in beds crowded with no respiratory aid..dying. Too many cases at once. Plus oddly the strain in Iran is slightly different. We have no idea what is going to happen once this starts getting passed around the disease infested people on the CA streets. What happens when WuFlu meets TB? or Plague or any of the other filth on their streets?


This is a created virus bro--it's not acting like a normal virus.




You believe people are going about acting all normal? Go try to buy a mask at your local. If people are still touching touch screens and key pads and the pen everyone uses at the bank--it just goes to prove they are 10/10 ignorant of how this virus spreads. Literally ANYONE around you--the person in front of you at self-checkout or the bank or gas station could have this virus and not even know it. Hence the lady the PM of Cambodia hugged--and KISSED. She tested negative--and false information about the testing is making people careless.

Anonymous ID: 1720f2 Feb. 22, 2020, 6:31 p.m. No.8221824   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'd like to remind you of the (((LADY)) who was on the cruise ship and tested positive. She was moved to a Japanese hospital where she did a very cheery "this isn't anything' interview that was broadcast everywhere.


Where is she now? I bet she had ZERO clue she was in the asymptomatic period and hell awaited her in a week or so…not a word from her since. Or the fucking "BUT WE PAID" boomers who insisted on going on a cruise to Asia despite knowing there was a pandemic–they moved one couple to a different hospital–see they looked fine–had very minor symptoms–until the Japs scanned their lungs. They moved them to bum fuck Japan immediately. Those two idiots have NO CLUE they are considered dead already.


And the Goldmans who KNEW their test results had not come back yet and decided they must be negative therefore lied to get on the US evacuation flight–where they tested positive. That bitch gave an interview and was all cheery too..she's NOT fucking cheery now is she? Made FB video excusing her actions.."well we decided in our heads we must be negative".


Boomers and their fucking :BUT WE PAID AND CAN'T GET A REFUND SO WE'RE GOING nothing will happen to us..that cruise ship gives the best numbers..and it's fucking grim. The conditions there would be way better than say–a crowded market in China. And the asymptomatic period has been different in each of them.

Anonymous ID: 1720f2 Feb. 22, 2020, 6:45 p.m. No.8221957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1984 >>1991 >>2017 >>2051 >>2068 >>2117


Go try to buy a mask. Good luck. Smart people are quietly going about their business making sure they and their family are prepared for the worst. BTW surgical mask is of no use–you need respirator style p100 filters. a N95 can help but it is not optimal. MOST of the stuff YOU THINK will help you is literally of no use with this. Better study and learn than stick that old boomer head in the sand.


If you are feeling positive energy off of this–I'd reevaluate my ability to feel anything. What is this GOOD NEWS everyone is so excited about? Are their heads up their asses? Do you really really believe that this is not happening? This is why diseases spread.


No worries boomers soon the spring break kids are going to surpass you in their ability to be stupid, catch and spread this shit. Enjoy watching your lunatic basketweaving pink haired twats die of Chink Aids because they too don't believe anything bad is going to happen to them because they're special.


I practice social distancing and if I have to go out I take massive precautions. I watched a chink lady in front of me at the grocery self-checkout smashing all the buttons. Have never seen a chink out here ever. Then the next day I was trolling for canning jars at the thrift and there she was again–touching every fucking thing. OH hell no with my clorox wipes. I touch NOTHING with my hands. Not doors, not buttons, not touch screens.


Pic related is what NO HOPE really looks like.


But then again ignorant people tend to be cheery. Enjoy your aids…the only thing that is COMING is a storm–that will putting 99% of the people in hospital.


GO to this channel, find part 1 and start there. He's on part 10 or 11 right now. Watch the progression. He is excellent at making sure any video he includes is real. Look and fucking learn. Wake the fuck up.



complete and total lie as Iran, Italy, OZ and US are quickly proving..and still lying about.



Really asshole? NO one accused me of sliding when I was relaying RV threats to Trump's life that they were missing. Recall that first trip to UK being cancelled? I do–I also recall warning them here why.

Anonymous ID: 1720f2 Feb. 22, 2020, 7:25 p.m. No.8222335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2361


Oh I got it. Really asshole?


They are lying to you–your precious Q and beloved president are not telling the truth. Why? Is Trump really in charge? When Wuhan shut down people could not get back to their homes and are literally laying dead in the street.


ALL the brave people leaking the truth in China are liars but YOUR government is telling the truth.


Just shooting people in the streets ect


ADV podcast Doctor lived in China (SA guy) with Chinese doctor wife)


For those that have ears to hear..and eyes to see.