Our future doesn't include predatory homosexuals that knock 30 year memory holes in unsuspecting victims.
The truth can be ugly but the truth can free humanity.
Our future doesn't include predatory homosexuals that knock 30 year memory holes in unsuspecting victims.
The truth can be ugly but the truth can free humanity.
We will NEVER accept a Society in which the Family is sliced, diced and served up as a product in the profit of the benefactors of our reality.
We are not a product. We are a people.
You can NEVER erect the Shining City on the Hill on top of the shifting sands of immorality.
'If it feels good do it' really works for creditors and thieves of the American Dream.
We do what we do, say who we are, believe what we believe, because we believe the destiny of America and the World are better off from our Prayers, our attention and our intent to intercede in the ruthless darkness and it's influence on us & our reality.
We know we cannot control this world. At best we can have each other's back, campaign in our adventures together, and share in the blessings and abundance of our maker through contemplative, meditative prayer.
Before Q, we were fragmented and alone.
Now we are united in thought, in prayer and in purpose.
God Bless this ragtag group of Patriots who are at the beck and call of your will. Amen
We didn't start the fire.
We didn't win the War.
We didn't create the scam that dominates.
All that being said…
We will be the ones that re-animate America as God's Chosen Nation in this Realm.
America's Story is just in the opening chapter.
President Trump's first question in the 2020 Federal Interview:
'For the sake of understanding the worth of your position, what do you hope to accomplish in 2020 and beyond and describe it's value to the American People.'
America is SICK of not getting it's money's worth.