Anonymous ID: 309dee Feb. 22, 2020, 8:37 p.m. No.8222902   🗄️.is 🔗kun


These are straight from a WH briefing paper


The big deal is that the federal government can deny funding to any institution (including public scools) if the organization can't demonstrate that it has a policy protecting 1st amendment rights.

So the shit about bullied kids is probably just about 100% false.

They can have Bible study or prayer or religious activities at school so long as it's not done during instructional periods. They can express their religious beliefs in school assignments.

Of COURSE it will be challeneged in court by those who feel 'threatened' but I believe SCOTUS would have to rule in favor of the 1st amendment.

This kid (pic 5) was expelled from school 3 times simply for talking about his Christian faith during recess or after school. That ain't gonna habben anymore.