This is Bull Shit!!
Don’t you see what is going on here Anon?!!
You bitches aren’t woke! You’re all still fucking sheep! They fucking control your asses!!
I’m sick and tired of following this Bullshit!! I’m finally really awake!!
Why would a muthafuck’n White hat be allowed to die in a “secret” government operation?! You’re all being played!!!
Use your so called “logic”!!!!
Epstein - Dead
Assange - locked up
Snowden - out and about and a supposed black hat that whistle blew the agencies for spying on the public.
How many other innocent people must die before any so called “JUSTICE” comes?!
You bitches are all being played. All we were doing is giving the public reasons to take our guns, to make us look like psychotic idiots, racist fucks, and lunatics!!!
This is all a fucking PSYOP!! Like these other anons have been posting trying to point out the facts, warn us, or wake us up to this BS! I’m finally really awake!!
Why the fuck would Q and the team allow this, unless this is really a black hat operation!!!
Why are all the real whistle blowers the biggest targets!?!?!?
Don’t you see? These fucks have been communicating to each other using this board within the so called “drops”!!
Philip Haney - see something say nothing? What a fucking coincidence!
Epstein dying after posts about blackouts and all the related shit!! Barr ruling it a fucking suicide! Barr just happens to be selected by the bush’s!! I can go on! Are you fucking kidding me?!!
I’m done! There’s some evil shot going on here and you fuckers are blind to see it. We were being played!!!! Wake the fuck up!!!