NOT current NSA. Miss your old job bud?
Dude, why so many black pills, why even be here? You won't change any minds here, if that's your goal.
For a guy pressing so hard for others to think, your 42 posts show me only that you have a hard time looking beyond the surface of things. Don't get me wrong though, you're really good at that.
All back at the same time…tough meeting with the boss, I presume
Unstable rambling idiots
Q's lockedout of GA, login devices attacked still (see March 15 related posts), will create new board w/i 1-2 (hours, days, weeks?), protected by Q Team…overseas attack, not domestic. and AIM was roasted by Q in 2 words, they're still trying though, they just got back from a break or a huddle
If a fake story, why do you think it has it been pushed so hard? I know i know MSM, but from so many sources I've been believing it
Do you have that "power" or "influence"? Q seemed to be here of own free will ealier, unless you kno of a different Q that I'm not aware of?
Also, how will your psyop claims do that, exactly?