Was wondering about Warrantless Satellite Surveillance and can't seem to find much on the subject. I found some on drone surveillance but not much on the sat stuff. Anyone have any good info on the subject?
Cant find much new info on the subject but this 1995 ref answers part of my own question.
It appears as if satellite surveillance of open areas is fair game warrantless surveillance.
a search violates the Fourth Amendment, courts consider: (1) whether
the person had a "subjective expectation of privacy"29 and (2) whether
that expectation is recognized as reasonable 30 by society. 31
In applying this two-part-test to warrantless aerial surveillance,
courts have considered contributing factors to determine the constitutionality of a search. For instance, the Supreme Court has placed great
importance on the location of the person or thing being observed. 32 It
has attached varying degrees of privacy to the home and its curtilage, 33
the workplace,34 and open, outdoor areas. 35 The home and the area surrounding it, being personal and intimate settings, enjoy the greatest degree of privacy protection.36 Conversely, the Court has stated that the
industrial or workplace setting commands a decreased expectation of privacy.37 Therefore, greater leeway is given to the government to conduct
warrantless observations of such commercial property.38 As for open,
outdoor areas, the Court has chosen to deny privacy protection for open
fields39 and areas within a public vantage point.40