Anonymous ID: 31fcfc Feb. 23, 2020, 4:18 p.m. No.8229500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9513 >>9518 >>9579 >>9610 >>9746


So, Amy Klobuchar is having a rally literally 4 blocks from my house tonight, doors open in 15 min. I drove by Will Roger's theater about 45 minutes ago. Pretty much crickets. KOCO news peeps unloading equip in back parking lot, but no one was in that line shown at the back door less than an hour ago. Ha! I am a registered Independent. I normally would go for kicks, but it's chilly and rainy. I may change my mind by 7 when it starts just out of curiosity since it is so close and I am pretty sure there's not going to be much of a crowded situation. Will Rogers doesn't seat that many in the first place. Nice venue, though. If I could get my hands on a MAGA hat real quick first, I would go for sure. KEK!

Anonymous ID: 31fcfc Feb. 23, 2020, 4:54 p.m. No.8229781   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>go there and ask her if she thinks your dumb

dude, I totally thought that on my way there, seriously kek. Just got back. It started raining more. Not staying to hear her, but I'll pull the line stuff off my phone. Be back in a bit. One thing for sure and I mention it on video, the ine was SO QUIET. Lines for Trump rallies are always so energetic. You'll see.