Anonymous ID: 9f276e Feb. 23, 2020, 5:14 p.m. No.8229920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9932 >>9966 >>9996 >>0062

>Remember: the FCC, through the US Telecoms Act of 1996, completely overrides all other authorities with regard to radiation. A Brazilian study in the city of Belo Horizonte shows thousands of excess cancer deaths around cellphone towers, the death rates rising steadily the closer people lived to a tower. In the USA, if a local authority wants to impose restrictions on a tower based on its radiation, they are expressly forbidden by federal law to do so, so long as that tower is radiating under the FCC guidelines, the worst in the whole world in terms of protection. Even if there’s a massive cancer cluster around the tower, nobody can do a thing. The FCC is given carte blanche to commit genocide.


This is why 5G is such a great thing,


Instead of lots of upset, infighting, courtcases, etc

The government and industry simply replace the dangerous frequencies with new 5G safer radios, and get rid of the old by making it completely obsolete.


As a bonus, all those old smartphones with the chinese spyware in them, also become obsolete and go to the furnaces to recover the valuable metals.


No disruption to the economy