Anonymous ID: a0cd55 Feb. 23, 2020, 4:14 p.m. No.8229471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9476 >>9494

>>8229380 (lb)

who are you and why are you tagging my post?

let me review you crap this bread . . .


wiki-pooh about a light-rail line.

goes into the heart of Communist strong hold Crooklyn . is Burn1 from there?


things declared No Tableau


spills water on his keyboard


expresses a misunderstanding of History.

Read about Dante Alleghieri and how hard he had it and learn a thing or two. He was facinated with numbers. You might like him.

he wrote a book, it was a remarkible breakthrough, something about Nuovo, or Nine.

and then he made up this whole hell, purgatory, heaven cycle of poems.

learning his life will convince you that the time line is mostly correct.


something about a twohatter feed or some such so-callus media.


you don't fear death. That good. Fear the Lord, though, because that is the start of Wisdom (and read the book of Wisdom and Proverbs).


insider info? it's already happened?

I can't decypher this one.


an expression of envy, which, if you read Dante Allighieri, is considered a sin.

your going to have 'a coke' which I hope if you do drink Mexican Coke with out the HFCS because it may not be poison out right, but the effect of it long term is debilitating. You might consider cutting that out of your diet. (Mexican Coke is made with suggar, not High Fructose Corn Poison.)


thank you for calling out a troll who dares to disrespect Potus and family! (don't they understand that in that world view all undercover operators are also guilty?)


you engaged with in another and it's just pointless. you have anger issues.

but that does show passion. So try and channel that to a better outcome. Imagine your rivel learning from you, because you give them good information, and then converting to your point of view, and have sincere contrition for what they did before . . .


then you messaged me with a cryptic all caps.

not sure why.


all in all you seem passionate but you need to learn to not respond to shills. And wish well for your enemies, not evil. And suffice it to the day the evil there in.


OK if this is going to post I don't know.

good luck.

Anonymous ID: a0cd55 Feb. 23, 2020, 4:39 p.m. No.8229670   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There is one other sweetened Coca Cola option, and it's close to being the same as Mexican Coca Cola. It's called . . . dunt dunt dun

Passover Coke

and it comes in a plastic bottle.

I won't screen cap a giggle search this time.

anyone interested can do it themselves.


a link that explains all this:

Anonymous ID: a0cd55 Feb. 23, 2020, 5:01 p.m. No.8229843   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I was making a name for him that expressed what he seems to be letting happen. Bern : Burn


get it.

I am NOT his political suporter. But I support his right to say stupid marxist crap out loud so he does not get elected.

Anonymous ID: a0cd55 Feb. 23, 2020, 5:18 p.m. No.8229950   🗄️.is 🔗kun


socialism is a methodolgy for looting munipalities through the over issuance of bonds that will never be repaid, but terms will allow property and mineral rights transfers to 'pay off' the bonds, as determined by Swisssttzz banksters based either there or in Mexico City, which is run by Middle Easterners . . .

sounds weird hugh?

Anonymous ID: a0cd55 Feb. 23, 2020, 5:29 p.m. No.8230026   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I've written a lot tonight that I won't ever share here.

but here is the point: when you muzzle good people and smear them for daring to talk about the facts of over-representation and collusion of matriarchal moieties . . . then you miss a point of view that might actually give you some humility, which those who will knee jerk in anger of me DARING to talk about it . . .

the fate comes as it does and I can't do anything about yours.

History repeats itself.

they are so good at telling the stories of equality and civil rights, but it's only a story.


so wise up and stop pretending that you can keep getting away with it.

Anonymous ID: a0cd55 Feb. 23, 2020, 5:32 p.m. No.8230053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0070


usage: for example

shills are over-represented within this bread.

they can not help conflate with things that the will later use as an excuse.

you gave a small proff to my point.

Anonymous ID: a0cd55 Feb. 23, 2020, 5:43 p.m. No.8230118   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The sad fact is that some one who would be proud of that list of names, as if it was all fair in how they got in, as if he doesn't know that is a totally crooked town, why bother. No one is ever going to be in a discussion with someone who would have that list of people as some how examples of virtuous citizens.

like he's living in a fucking privledged bubble and he can't imagine that someone might soon pop it.