Anonymous ID: a7a7cf Feb. 23, 2020, 4:24 p.m. No.8229541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9575 >>9642

>>8229465 No way in hell will the Hag run as a VP candidate. Too proud, too much clout/money, too many hard core loons who worship her. She is looking increasingly likely to be the nominee, by hook or by crook. Just look at the moran BS, out there basically declaring victory, by announcing that his (dirty) wife will be first lady. Talk about a premature end zone dance. He is going to sell out like last time, or be crushed by the Clintonista machine, or be taken out with a heart attack weapon. If he does get the nom, by some miracle, he will be steamrolled into a pancake by DJT, after himself destroying the remnant of the Traitor Party. But the loon is strong with his embarrassingly ignorant followers, who are in a state of sexual excitement at this time. They massively deserve the soul destroying defeat they are going to taste. Idiots, who do not realize that even if BS was declared the winner after ballot cheating, no way would he be allowed to sit in the WH. The fight would start that very evening, and methinks the oddsmakers would

make us 100-1 favorites.