Anonymous ID: b76ec9 Feb. 23, 2020, 4:13 p.m. No.8229465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9541

The dirty dems have no shame. the radical left of the party has proven they will do anything to try to remain in power. they burned bernie last time, gave hillary debate questions ahead of time, reported the superdelegates were for hillary when the party's rules say they aren't supposed to be apportioned until a candidate is selected.


What's going to happen? They are going to bring michelle obama in to save the party form a sanders nomination. The only twist is now I think they'll put hillary up as michelle's vp candidate.


The fake media will roll out "women's power" - right the wrong that Trump caused blah, blah, blah.


Don't believe me? Wait till you see how violent it gets when the bernie bros figure it out. That the dnc is going to steal it again.


Game. Set. Match.

Anonymous ID: b76ec9 Feb. 23, 2020, 4:35 p.m. No.8229630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9789

I was just posting about hillary being brought in on the dem ticket. It won't be bloomberg though, it will be led by michelle obama who will ride in on her jock-strap to save the party from eternal damnation….I mean going down in flames on a sanders ticket.


"I'm with HER - Michelle & Hillary 2020! Letting Women Lead!"

Anonymous ID: b76ec9 Feb. 23, 2020, 4:51 p.m. No.8229750   🗄️.is 🔗kun




This is the shit that happens when we have a dry spell.




secrets revealed

who do you trust when nobody is trustworthy?

using two sheets to wipe is superior to one

November will bring massive change

follow pelosi's daughter's college curriculum

how does maxine afford multi-million estate

Check voter rolls

rolls of toilet paper


Anonymous ID: b76ec9 Feb. 23, 2020, 5:09 p.m. No.8229886   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Could not agree more! We need a return to civility.


Normally I wouldn't care. Wouldn't comment. But two things here. One, I'm convinced her and bbbbbrrack have lied to the American people about who they are - knowing full well if just their true political beliefs were known the country would never have "elected" him (any time you want to release those college dissertations).


Lastly, michelle never missed an oportunity to denigrate me and/or this country.


Typical liberal hypocrites. Criticize America but you sure don't mind living off the fruits this country has produced.

Anonymous ID: b76ec9 Feb. 23, 2020, 5:20 p.m. No.8229969   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I fully expect one mid-level operative, maybe even comey, to go down but no way even half of those involved will face justice.


At least the fake veneer has been removed so those who want to know can finally see.


"Equal justice under the law." Was a beautiful ideal to strive for, but you can stick a fork in it.


RINOs aside, there's one set of rules for dems and cabal elite, another for republicans and anyone connected to the Trump administration and/or family.

Anonymous ID: b76ec9 Feb. 23, 2020, 5:38 p.m. No.8230088   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What I don't think is that Americans would vote for someone on a sex-offender registry. Wait it out. You can run after 2032. Almost there.


Remember what the judge told you. It's still a violation of law even though you think it's family.