Anonymous ID: dce96c Feb. 23, 2020, 4:07 p.m. No.8229428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9481

Austria stops passenger train traffic from and to Italy amid coronavirus panic


Authorities in Austria have stopped an incoming train at the Italian border, after it emerged that two passengers may be infected with the Covid-19 coronavirus. Later, all train traffic to and from Italy was halted.

The Eurocity 86 train was stopped at the Brenner Pass border crossing on Sunday, after officials at Italian State Railways told their Austrian counterparts that two passengers on board had fever symptoms consistent with the Covid-19 coronavirus.

The train, bound for Munich in Germany, was halted and returned to the Italian side of the alpine crossing, Interior Minister Karl Nehammer confirmed.


Austrian authorities later stopped all train traffic to and from Italy, tabloid newspaper OE24 said on its website.

The stoppage marks the first time European borders have been shut following the outbreak of the deadly disease, which surfaced in the Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019 and has to date spread to more than 30 countries worldwide, killing nearly 2,500 people.

At least 100 cases and three deaths have been recorded in Italy, making the Mediterranean country Europe’s coronavirus hotspot, and the only European country to see fatalities. Cities and towns in the northern regions of Lombardy and Veneto have been placed on lockdown, and Venice’s world-famous carnival has ended two days early, as authorities grapple to stop the spread of the illness. In Milan, grocery stores were emptied by panic-stricken shoppers, and shortages of disinfectant and respirators have been reported.

Anonymous ID: dce96c Feb. 23, 2020, 5:04 p.m. No.8229858   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Stop It People! Democrats Deserve Bernie Sanders!


If Bernie Sanders continues his undefeated win streak in 2020 he deserves to be the Democratic nominee for president.

So why all the agita?

He’s undefeated through three contests. He’s growing his coalition and base of support. And he’s staying on message.

How is this a mystery to people?

In the modern era, he is also the culmination of what left-leaning politics has been yearning for.

Face it, barring some radical recalibration, John F. Kennedy was the last moderate Democrat our society will likely see.

From economic policy—be it taxes, government control and regulation—every Democratic administration since Kennedy got oppressively worse.

Republicans—typically content with only incremental changes to those policies—consistently treaded water or lost ground minus the Reagan and now Trump eras.

But for what looks like a first in a very long time America is going through a bit of a political purification.


Democrats have for decades (since JFK) admired godless socialism. They gift wrap it up in supposed compassionate humanism. But they are literally embracing authoritarian philosophies that have extinguished millions of lives.

They’ve also lied about what it all means—especially during election cycles—knowing that middle of the road Americans wouldn’t quite be able to stomach it.

In 2016, Bernie Sanders became the authentic face for where this had all been pointing for generations. In 2018, it was his philosophies and “authenticity” that drove the passion behind the incoming “squad” with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rhashida Tlaib.

It was the force of these new members and their appetite to be openly what they claim—no matter how stupid, unAmerican, and anti-Semitic—that forced Nancy Pelosi and the old guard to capitulate and attempt to undo the election of 2016.


In 2020 Democrats can no longer lie to voters. The base has moved their party, Bernie Sanders speaks openly—even cavalierly—to what they’ve come to expect, and he is now undefeated through the first three contests.

He has actually—to date—won two more states than he had by this point in the 2016 cycle. And he is poised for blowout after blowout on Super Tuesday (California and Texas among them.)


But listen carefully, Americans, conservatives, independents and Republicans should welcome his ascendency, because at the very least, it’s honest.

Elections by nature should serve as referendums on ideas.

Carter and Clinton pretended to be middle of the road but stacked our judiciary with radicals. Obama pretended to be the president of the “purple states of America,” but he himself was a radical, surrounded by a cabinet of radicals.

These administrations despised the will of the American people while claiming to advance it.


In 2020, a Trump/Sanders contest will make the most honest, direct, and open debate our political body has observed in many decades of what ideas actually mean.

  • Should people get to keep what they earn? Or should they be forced to give $7 out of every $10 they earn to a centralized “Kremlin” that will then dole out “free benefits” to the people (usually on the basis and preference of the whim of those in power)?

-Does the United States Constitution protect the right of free speech, particularly religious speech?

-Do the people of the United States truly have the protected right to defend themselves by keeping and bearing firearms?

-Should we empower the government to overtake the people’s decisions and lives?

-Or should we empower the person to become the best that they can fully be?


These are just a handful of the contrasts that a Trump/Sanders head-to-head will give us.

It will force the American attention span to a place we only rediscovered in 2016. It will be a thorough debate between a man who’s never held a private-sector job, and a man who’s kept 104 campaign promises in his first job in politics.

America should welcome it.

A fistfight of ideas, slugging it out as though everything in the future depended on it.

Because it does!

Anonymous ID: dce96c Feb. 23, 2020, 5:17 p.m. No.8229943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9981 >>0119

"Big Hit" – Xi Warns Of Economic Fallout From Covid-19 Outbreak


China's top leader, Xi Jinping, told officials at a Communist Party meeting on Sunday that the Covid-19 outbreak is a "big test" for the country, and policy adjustments would cushion the economy for a downturn. Xi acknowledged "obvious shortcomings in response to the epidemic," warning that short-term financial stress could be imminent.

Xi said Sunday the "the epidemic situation is still severe and complex, and prevention and control work is in the most difficult and critical stage."


He warned:

"The outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia will inevitably have a relatively big impact on the economy and society."

Beijing has deployed several rounds of monetary policy to support the economy, as a twin shock (demand and supply) is having devastating impacts on first-quarter growth.


Xi said low-risk provinces should restart production monetarily, areas with medium-level risks should restart production on an orderly timeline, and high-risk regions should focus on virus containment strategies.

Anonymous ID: dce96c Feb. 23, 2020, 5:25 p.m. No.8230011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0119

Buttigieg campaign demands Nevada Democratic Party fix ‘errors’ in count


The campaign of former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg has sent a letter to the Nevada State Democratic Party asking it to release more voting data and correct “errors and inconsistencies” during the caucus count identified by the campaign.

The letter, dated Saturday, asks for the release of all early vote and in-person totals by precinct, a correction of any early vote and second alignment errors identified by any campaign and an explanation of anomalies in the data.

With 60 percent of precincts reporting as of Sunday morning, Buttigieg was third, well behind declared winner Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and narrowly in arrears of former Vice President Joe Biden, trailing the latter by about 300 delegates and less than 100 second alignment votes.

“Currently our data shows that this is a razor thin margin for second place in Nevada, and due to irregularities and a number of unresolved questions we have raised with the Nevada Democratic Party, it’s unclear what the final results will be,” said Hari Sevugan, Buttigieg’s deputy campaign manager.

The Buttigieg campaign asked that the alleged errors be corrected before any final release of results.


State party responds


Nevada Democratic Party spokeswoman Molly Forgey released a statement Sunday morning in response:

“We laid out our early vote and caucus day processes step by step, and we communicated these processes to all campaigns. We are continuing to verify and to report results. We never indicated we would release a separate breakdown of early vote and in-person attendees by precinct and will not change our reporting process now. As laid out in our recount guidance, there is a formal method for requesting a challenge of results.”

In the letter from Buttigieg’s campaign, Michael Gaffney, the ballot access and delegates director, said the campaign received “more than 200 incident reports … including a few dozen related to how early vote factored into the in-person results.”