Anonymous ID: e83d5e Feb. 23, 2020, 5:34 p.m. No.8230060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0078 >>0116


here's my, i think informed, take on Tulsi "Shakti" Gabbard.


If one examines her early life, like Butti, she is a ghost with some fantastic and mysterious background.


She has early training working for ngo/non-profs with her father. So, that means she's familiar with how these institutions function. That said, take that in context of what we are seeing with how the political establishment are utilizing the ngo schemes.


I'm certain that in her youth she embraces Shaktiism. I say that because, in my view, displays devotion to her dual aspect god/goddess in her symbolism, that one being Shiva/Kali (dual aspect, apollo/artemis etc.)


The female warrior persona which she displays is, imho, an expression of her devotion to Shiva/K. It's displayed in her symbolism. Pic here is one of many w/her wearing the garland, which she passes off as a Hawaiian leis. She's even color coordinated with the image of Kali.


The implication of her belief in shaktiism is the manifestation of shakti through rites/rituals/practices. A band of gangs of Kali worshippers called 'thugees' served their god by strangling and robbing travellers.


William Sleeman, a British officer during the Brit/India occupation, he is today recognized by many in India as a type of savior, even having a statue, humble as it is, erected in a small village in India for relieving them of the burden of the thugees.


Just like DJT heading over there freeing Modi from the thugees. See that guy hug our president?


William Henry Sleeman, the repressor of the Thuggees


•May 16, 2017


Namaste, muh-nindas.