Anonymous ID: 109cab Feb. 23, 2020, 9:50 p.m. No.8231739   🗄️.is 🔗kun


doc here

I'm sorry can't do Sat nights


I'll call it and see how it goes

take it easy

tomorrow is another day

the ride never ends


bakers learn the hard way


Anonymous ID: 109cab Feb. 23, 2020, 10:45 p.m. No.8232006   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>8231703 Turkey closes border with Iran over coronavirus outbreak

>>8231741 US to lay out case against Assange at extradition hearing

>>8231743, >>8231761 Attention North Carolina - this fascist is running for Congress

>>8231779, >>8231827 PF updates

>>8231831 Potus wheels down in India!

>>8231843, >>8231919 MALAYSIAN PM RESIGNS

>>8231856 Jared & Ivanka disembarked pic

>>8231908 Flotus/Potus deplane to red carpet pic

>>8231911 Potus/Modi greet with hug pic

>>8231928, >>8231983 Moar India pics

>>8231932, >>8231949, >>8231950 Potus yellow "Q" tie

>>8231964, >>8231971 >>8231973 People are dancing along the street, honking horns, and giving President Trump an unbelievable welcome!

Anonymous ID: 109cab Feb. 23, 2020, 11:05 p.m. No.8232110   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>>8231703 Turkey closes border with Iran over coronavirus outbreak

>>8231741 US to lay out case against Assange at extradition hearing

>>8231743, >>8231761 Attention North Carolina - this fascist is running for Congress

>>8231779, >>8231827 PF updates

>>8231831 Potus wheels down in India!

>>8231843, >>8231919 MALAYSIAN PM RESIGNS

>>8231856 Jared & Ivanka disembarked pic

>>8231908 Flotus/Potus deplane to red carpet pic

>>8231911 Potus/Modi greet with hug pic

>>8231928, >>8231983, >>8232048, >>8232072 Moar India pics

>>8231932, >>8231949, >>8231950 Potus yellow "Q" tie

>>8231964, >>8231971 >>8231973 People are dancing along the street, honking horns, and giving President Trump an unbelievable welcome!

>>8231990 How The "Interpreter" Scam Brought 75,000 Iraqis And Afghans To America

>>8232029 Blogo/Pritzker diggs

>>8232031, >>8232034 Ukraine/Yanukovych/Ivanchenko/Tymoshenko diggz

>>8232084 Trump at Ghandi's Ashram for short stop, refreshment


Is their a baker to take the bread?

Anonymous ID: 109cab Feb. 23, 2020, 11:15 p.m. No.8232162   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>>8231703 Turkey closes border with Iran over coronavirus outbreak

>>8231741 US to lay out case against Assange at extradition hearing

>>8231743, >>8231761 Attention North Carolina - this fascist is running for Congress

>>8231779, >>8231827 PF updates

>>8231831 Potus wheels down in India!

>>8231843, >>8231919 MALAYSIAN PM RESIGNS

>>8231856 Jared & Ivanka disembarked pic

>>8231908 Flotus/Potus deplane to red carpet pic

>>8231911 Potus/Modi greet with hug pic

>>8231928, >>8231983, >>8232048, >>8232072, >>8232117, >>8232121, >>8232124, >>8232138 Moar India pics

>>8231932, >>8231949, >>8231950 Potus yellow "Q" tie

>>8231964, >>8231971 >>8231973 People are dancing along the street, honking horns, and giving President Trump an unbelievable welcome!

>>8231990 How The "Interpreter" Scam Brought 75,000 Iraqis And Afghans To America

>>8232029 Blogo/Pritzker diggs

>>8232031, >>8232034 Ukraine/Yanukovych/Ivanchenko/Tymoshenko diggz

>>8232084 Trump at Ghandi's Ashram for short stop, refreshment


updated pastebin with notables


Wanted to see Potus land in India, gotta sleep for tomorrow'


Baker Out