Anonymous ID: 26429d Feb. 23, 2020, 9:53 p.m. No.8231756   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"I'm NOT suicidal" Philip Haney to John B Wells in May 2017

Haney, one of the founding officers of Homeland Security (ret.) starts off telling us his views on how ‘the swamp’ should be drained…


Obama admin whistleblower found shot to death in rural northern California…


On Friday morning, 21 February, Philip Haney, a former DHS official, was found shot to death near his car at a rural highway intersection in California’s Central Valley. Haney served as a whistleblower during the Obama administration, disclosing that shortly after Obama took office, DHS analysts were required by the new administration to purge their files of carefully accumulated information on Islamist terrorism, terrorist associates, and jihadi organizations and philosophy.


Haney was particularly concerned that this file purging hampered U.S. authorities in tracking and interdicting terrorist plots. In a 2016 op-ed and his best-selling book See Something, Say Nothing he reported that the mandatory destruction of files had started before the “Underwear Bomber,” Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, made his airliner bombing attempt in December 2009. Haney also made the case to Congress that purging terrorism and jihadi ideological information had blinded U.S. agencies to the threat from the San Bernardino, California terrorists who attacked county workers at a Christmas party in December 2015, leaving 14 dead.


Haney was respected by many and beloved by his friends in think tanks, the punditry, and conservative activism. They have weighed in with tributes to him since the news was first broken online at Law Enforcement Today. (Gateway Pundit picked it up shortly thereafter.)


In reviewing his Facebook page as well as social media information in memorial posts, I saw plans for three get-togethers (one of which seemed to be a speaking engagement) in the coming months in 2020. One of the posts spoke of Haney traveling in an RV. A look at Plymouth, California suggests that a number of its approximately 1,000 residents (2010 Census) are RV travelers. There’s at least one big RV park on the south side of town.

Anonymous ID: 26429d Feb. 23, 2020, 9:59 p.m. No.8231780   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He mentioned GODFATHER 3, project in Las Vegas…wrt: Obama being an actual member of MB, the Corleone project was only in the family.

So it doesn't matter if Hussein was a technical member of the MB or an actual Muslim, he helped the project (global Islamic movement)

Anonymous ID: 26429d Feb. 23, 2020, 10:05 p.m. No.8231814   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The now deceased Mr. Haney was giving his insight having worked within DHS with respect to being shut out of part of his job and info he put in the system being deleted. Host asked him of Hussein was a muslim or MB.

I noticed he mentioned Godfather 3, which was a 'signature' of Q. That's why it's relevant.


Mr Haney was explaining how the Suras (head dudes in MB) would be listed on their own various websites, but when Haney put it into the DHS db, and the Hussein admin found out, it was no longer put on their own websites.

His point was look at actions.

Anonymous ID: 26429d Feb. 23, 2020, 10:36 p.m. No.8231955   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There are some here, not necessarily right now, who really actually believe almost all women are trannies. Mrs. Shumer is a dog but is actually a woman, she's just a dumpy jewess (many are quite unattractive - Jennifer Rubin springs to mind).

Anonymous ID: 26429d Feb. 23, 2020, 10:47 p.m. No.8232019   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You misunderstood me. It was the "quarantine" flag part that was not "encouraging confidence" in me, a bit ominous, I mean.

Also I still don't see how a yellow tie connects to 'our' Q.


Tay is a lesbo, but the female kind, kek

Nellie Ohr is just a lib like many other women who does not care about her appearance. Ever notice that? Liberal women tend to be unattractive, inside and out.


I think Big Mike's a tranny, too, but you're right - we get all sorts of weirdos in here, some actually mentally ill. I try not to be mean to them, but damn, sometimes it's patently ridiculous.

Anonymous ID: 26429d Feb. 23, 2020, 11:49 p.m. No.8232321   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That would be the most debased and defiled thing ever. That would be the exact opposite of what Druids were.

But then again, they do like to always point at other groups, and they also love to defile the beautiful symbols of our history and people.

Anonymous ID: 26429d Feb. 24, 2020, midnight No.8232371   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's very much like the internet - anyone can say anything. And with this, what John Todd said, there is only his statement, no evidence or proof, and it's not like the Roths are going to step in and correct him, so he was free to say anything he wanted… The very idea that Druids would ever be involved with that is is really ludicrous, but if a person knows nothing about them and is told this by a person of their own religion, they might not really think it through. But that's what people count on, no? The fact that people won't actually think things through and just believe them.