Anonymous ID: 51f03f Feb. 23, 2020, 10:16 p.m. No.8231865   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8231081 PB Oxygen Molecule, Corona Virus and 5G = Oh My!

She is right.

This has to be an underground dig with code.


[Ch] for China, similar for other countries.

[57] for five G,

[ crown disorder] for the virus.


Maps of every city in the world with current 57 roll out needed because the snap shot of map locations of 57 going "active", just might match the active crown disorder city locations at this time. They could be running a big test of weaponized 57 under the cover of crown disorder.


Also. Need to compare the leaked specific symptoms of crown disorder. IF it turns out true that it is a dry cough, as told by citizens on the ground, and as in the symptom list leaks, it is not pneumonia at all. Pneumonia fills the lungs with water. It creates a very wet cough. You die by drowning.

She has a couple different lists of the known symptoms of crown disorder. Both say dry cough, as does a sample twitter description.


Apparently it could be lung burn instead from heated microwaved O2 in the lungs, and sudden lack of O2 causing a person to drop over suddenly without any previous symptoms.

She has a research piece showing the O2 Absorbtion spike at exactly 60Hz.

Apparently this would take 60Hz to absorb O2, and make the electrons in the O2 Molecule spin, causing sudden inability to take up O2 in the lungs. Not a bad theory if the research is verifiable on the absorption at 60 Hz.

I gotta go.

Leaving this for HWNDU autist anons because it would be that kind of search for the truth.


Getting up early to watch the rest of this.

There is a lot here already in the first half.

Ill see if I can locate crown symptoms.


Would also explain people getting the crown after cleared by a test kit. Failed false negatives for the crown disorder running at 50% or more. This is high. What if there is no crown.

Interesting that the particular ship corporations that are suffering from the crown disorder are also the same ships that upgraded their ships to get on the internet, using satellite. Would there be 57 towers on each end of those large ships?


Need to verify 57 causes seizures, because normal crown does not, but apparently 57 at 60Hz can cause seizures, and there are plenty of people shown to be seizing in ground reports and in hospital shots.


60Hz is the reported frequency they are using in ch and other places for 57 roll out.


Remember Q said they could mess with the frequencies on your phone to mess with your head. Perhaps those people who just fell over in the street had their phone frequencies altered just enough to combine with local 57 and fry their lungs?

They may also be using this 57 to purge protesters in IRN(protests), HK(protests), CH(protests), FR (yellow vests).

These nations are where the crown is causing whole cities to be quarantined, FR as of yesterday, two reports said 11 cities in FR. Odd that the crown disease is hitting the protest nations the hardest. Is this just coincidence?

Anonymous ID: 51f03f Feb. 23, 2020, 10:35 p.m. No.8231945   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Me too, but, 20 years researching the science these evil SOB's are up to? I heard of head on a swivel in combat, but who knew you needed one on Pub Med? I would not put a weaponized tower test past these scum of the earth for one minute.


Oh. The pic ?

Yeah. It came flying by my desk yesterday, in the middle of a vid. I kept it on my computer all day. I think sometimes people in those trials and doing the investigating get so righteously angry sometimes they leak trial evidence, you know?

So, I stared forever, until I figured out they were putting that baby in a dead animal to roast the child.

Truly evil … man, cant even call em people.

Keep the photo parked on my desk now.

Big motivator. Reminds me why we fight.