Anonymous ID: a2ba4a Feb. 23, 2020, 9:48 p.m. No.8231727   🗄️.is 🔗kun


TYB, nice.




gyb here, think i'm gonna call it a night. last night, did nite shift and then asked for handoff at gy–and got one!

Baker stayed for TWO gy shifts, kek. 24/7 coverage. Almost historic.

Anonymous ID: a2ba4a Feb. 23, 2020, 10 p.m. No.8231782   🗄️.is 🔗kun


All is well here, do not worry

Better than good, mystery baker baked ALL NITE! i dugg instead (but not all nite)

was a nice change up

I'm not tired bc from too much baking, just tired

will take a nite off & watch POTUS in India

Was in India once for a month

such an interesting country

Sending you positive vibes (even tho i have no cool meme for that)


Anonymous ID: a2ba4a Feb. 23, 2020, 10:37 p.m. No.8231958   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Talking about building a wall to "hide the slums and shanties" along the President's route.

Wonder whether we'll be doing the same, if PM Modi visits LA?

Anonymous ID: a2ba4a Feb. 24, 2020, 12:09 a.m. No.8232419   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>8231703 Turkey closes border with Iran over coronavirus outbreak

>>8231741 US to lay out case against Assange at extradition hearing

>>8231743, >>8231761 Attention North Carolina - this fascist is running for Congress

>>8231779, >>8231827 PF updates

>>8231831 Potus wheels down in India!

>>8231843, >>8231919 MALAYSIAN PM RESIGNS

>>8231856 Jared & Ivanka disembarked pic

>>8231908 Flotus/Potus deplane to red carpet pic

>>8231911 Potus/Modi greet with hug pic

>>8231928, >>8231983, >>8232048, >>8232072, >>8232117, >>8232121, >>8232124, >>8232138 Moar India pics

>>8231932, >>8231949, >>8231950 Potus yellow "Q" tie

>>8231964, >>8231971 >>8231973 People are dancing along the street, honking horns, and giving President Trump an unbelievable welcome!

>>8231990 How The "Interpreter" Scam Brought 75,000 Iraqis And Afghans To America

>>8232029 Blogo/Pritzker diggs

>>8232031, >>8232034 Ukraine/Yanukovych/Ivanchenko/Tymoshenko diggz

>>8232084 Trump at Gandhi Ashram for short stop, refreshment

>>8231749, >>8231924, >>8232348 Blago Pitzker digg