Anonymous ID: ddc2e6 Feb. 23, 2020, 10:07 p.m. No.8231822   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Notice the 5 Stages of Being Outed as a Q-Hating Shill:


Stage 1. Double Down and keep posting the same. (Even after Q stepped in Wed. and posted the Tranny/Baphomet and TIME magazine covers Distorting Trump's face, Melting and Bursting Into Flames).


Stage 2. Misdirect and Make a soy-boy "male" meme of "Shiva", but too obvious …. it's JEWISH SHIVA, FROM THE YESHIVA!

*Misdirect and Dilute by adding on other images to Disguise itself. Pink anime, pseudo Bible, Hindu mantra, Q drop, Washington Crossing the Delaware, Q sayings like WWG1WGA = Fake Virtue Signaling because anons Know this is the "Q IS A PSYOP" Shill.


Stage 3. Use Alinsky Tactic - Accuse Me of Everything that the Q-Hating Shill  Has Done.

Take another anon's meme of an Angel or reply to another anon's Christ to Hide Behind and "blend in".

Smear and call names, threaten and menace.


Stage 4. Arrogantly Proclaim "I win", "I'm a motherfucking swarm bitch", "I'm your nightly nightmare". Like a bad horror movie script.


Stage 5. Threaten with Delusions of Godlike Power:

"day and night, we see you"

"I've been watching you for 3 years"

"I will take all the light from you. And leave you in the endless falling darkness". Post No. 8220578 First death threat.


"you're playing with the power of God" - but makes mistake of using ytube image of a being with Black Tentacles for "wings" which look more like the sinister Cabal Maman Spider.


Actually that's what this Q-Hating shills' memes of Trump look like.


Finally, this bitch's Hate Is Revealed: Posts ugly image of Flaming woman choking another woman with her hand around woman's neck. Post No. 8222905 Second threat of violence towards me.


When challenged on threats to kill me, Q-Hating shill quickly posts 4 posts with pics of her obese husband's arm. (Photographers can check the camera angle)


*After 6 Days - All Tricks FAILED, now comes the DENIAL when asked "Why are you still on this board when you're ON RECORD 1/1/2020: "Q IS A PSYOP" :

Q-Hating Shill denial:

>"Taking my meme and posting saying something with it doesn’t mean I said". Post No. 8223510 Shit tier bullshit.

Anonymous ID: ddc2e6 Feb. 23, 2020, 10:23 p.m. No.8231890   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q #3876 2/19/20

Tranny/Baphomet Image, Q posted TIME Magazine Melting, Burning President Trump's Face.


Q-Hating Jewish Shill Outed: Distorting Trump with Sex-Change Kali Memes Caught By Anons A Week Ago


President Trump is a Christian Man. He is not KALI, a Hindu Female Goddess of Death, Sexuality and Violence.


Watch out for the Jewish Sex-Change of our beloved POTUS into a Hindu Female goddess with Flailing Arms and a Smeared Face- to Divert Anons Attention Away from what the Trump-Kali Meme shills don't want you to see. Moar and moar evidence of massive Jewish Subversive Crimes against America.


Kali meme shill wrote:

>>can't push Jew hate (Post No.8163500).


Tactic: Distort Trump - Think Hindu-Trump-Kali Flailing Arms, not about the Jews.


Visually and Sexually Subvert Pres. Trump.


Her Kali shill memes are nasty, destroying Trump's face, which is why they keep striking anons' instincts as derogatory to our POTUS, and many anons keep calling these shitty memes out.


(I first saw and called it out Sunday 2-16, Q posted Baphomet and Melted, Flaming Trump 3 days later Wed 2-19)


Yet this shill doubles down and posts 10 more of the same, all hideous and smearing out Trump's face.


>Note: real Hindus do not desecrate their deities by changing their sex, nor distorting, covering or burning their faces in flames.


Distorting and Burning Trump's face is Subliminal Warfare


Today, Another Anon brilliantly PROVED that this Trump=Kali shill IS a Jewish clown shill.


PROOF 1: 2/17/20

Post No. 8163500 2/17/20 (Mon) 9:14:20

The shill wrote in reply: 

>>can't push ceral head

>>can't push kate

can't push jew hate

>>gore ins't scaring people away


(Notice the Cultural FAIL : "ceral head")


4 minutes later, SAME ID in Post No. 8163534 2/17/20 (Mon) 9:18:18

Shill wrote in reply: Also, you're most likely trained by professionals, and this "god meme" given source of creation. You're void. And you serve the Darkness.


But I bring you good news. Anon.

From     The      Darkness

I   See  Light  In  You


(Notice the condescension, Ego and misunderstanding of "Dark to Light")

This was posted with a Dark black and beige Meme of Trump-Kali in which his upper 2 sets of arms are blended into the dark background.


PROOF 2: 2/18/20

Post No. 7684140 1/1/20 (Wed) 10:45:38





>"The wickedness of Q psyop is the manipulation of man through hope".


"they're laughing their asses off at how stupid people are"

———–  ————–  ———–


::The Anon who caught this shill calls it Flailing Kabbala Kali the Kike::


Catching this shill saying "Q is a PsyOp" proves that all of this shill's Ugly Memes of Trump-Flailing-Hindu-Woman in which POTUS' face is always scrubbed, Exploded in Flames, blotted, distorted and marred, is an America-hating Gaslighting faggot shill.


(I've seen 2 IDs using the same flailing-Trump meme in 1 bred, and a cringe-y "convo" with another shill's long-winded "praising" of these hideous memes, after many anons said they were shit )


Thanx bigly to the anon with sharp eyes and the incriminating shill screenshots.


This Is Information Warfare


KNOW YOUR ENEMYIt hates Q, It hates Trump. It hates Us.


*After 8 hours Sat. night, Watch this Q-Hating Shill Desperately Scramble to Dilute Its' Poison by posting add-on  false "patriotic" memes to "blend in".

Shill even posted a Q drop to trick "stupid" anons in hopes you won't know that it's the "Q IS A PSYOP" shill, who was laughing at all the stupid Q believers.

Anonymous ID: ddc2e6 Feb. 23, 2020, 10:36 p.m. No.8231951   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Can't tell if you're referring to me or to the Flailing Kali shill?


there's red text in my posts, but I don't use Twatter.


Meanwhile, the twat acct. has a header that you're saying looks like the Flailing Kali-Trump meme. this could be the obese husband of the Flailing Trump memes.

Anonymous ID: ddc2e6 Feb. 23, 2020, 10:55 p.m. No.8232063   🗄️.is 🔗kun


can't stand beer. try not making so many wrong assumptions.


I just looked at the beer@ twats and it does not read like the idiot who posts the flailing Trump Kali memes. Only the top post has a lot of text, the rest are just rts. boring acct,

Anonymous ID: ddc2e6 Feb. 23, 2020, 11:23 p.m. No.8232195   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you keep harping on "you don't sleep", "hasn't slept in a few days" is a weird thing to say because the US has only a 3 hour time difference…..

whereas a JIDF clown in Tel Aviv, it's daytime where you are, everytime you reply.

2am EST is 9 am where you are.

4am EST is 11 am where you are.


any your tag team harasser using the word "clown" that is the typical JIDF shit.


No wonder you're so obsesses with my sleep. It's morning in Tel Aviv!



Anonymous ID: ddc2e6 Feb. 23, 2020, 11:53 p.m. No.8232348   🗄️.is 🔗kun


J.B. Pritzker owns the Hyatt Hotel Chain.


Q had posted that hotel lobby pic which was the Hyatt Hotel in Shanghai. Wonder if whatever went down there was related to now Governor of Illinois J.B. Pritzker?