I dig this bread.
Watching the Democrats self immolate is something, the Bernie Birds are hated by the Pedo-crat faction and they are starting to realize the music has stopped and they only have 25% of the electorates support, without a problem-reaction-solution scenario they have nothing. The clowns are standing naked on the stage for the whole world to see.
I remember going to my 10th grade economics class and the teacher was smoking a cigarette at his desk pouring Zambuca in his coffee, he said
“I lost $30k today, get the hell out of here all of you”
So we went to the beach.
May God bless you and yours.
How about a little music for a wake up.
The 5, let it in and watch the world wake up.
And so it begins…
Do you have a trade besides Clown COINTELPRO?
Read a measuring tape?
Paint walls?
Dig ditches, do you know how to work a shovel?
Cost of living is very high in Northern Virginia.
Maybe mom will let you have you old room back.
The only thing worse than today is tomorrow.
Truth is to be self evident, remove the clown ops used to maintain power and [they] have nothing. I seem to think the head of the snake has been severed, the cabAls “middle management” infiltrated, members flipped etc and this stage is the exposure of the cabAls evil “Great Work” to the populace. Marxism was hatched by the initiate class to consolidate power with crisis, remove the crisis and [they] have nothing but ham handed talking points and rehashed narratives. People are seeing [theM] for what they are, depraved and corrupt criminals.
So the mockingbirds are calling @60% of the US population “Russian Bots”, they have gone past the point of no return. The old guard will be eternally eliminated by obvious truths.
It really is quite the thing.
Imagine losing 6000 years of wealth, power and prestige because the world learns the subsystems of Banking, government, science, medicine and popular culture were controlled by a bunch of pedophile drug addicts.
It is all over for [theM]
Not much time left.