Anonymous ID: 2809ea Feb. 24, 2020, 6:40 a.m. No.8233917   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BBC24 News is showing an odd messaging report about a sheepdog called Megan but it doesn't appear on their website.


Here is a Daily Mail link to the same story;

"Every dog has its payday! Megan the sheepdog sells for record-breaking £19,000 as Oklahoma farmer snaps her up because of her champion pedigree"


It has a lot of key numbers in it - Is it messaging about Meghan Markle being a C_A dog soldier?


"Sheepdog aged two and a half is bought for a world record £18,900 at auction"


2 and a half = 2.5 = 5by5 = Eyes On

18,900 = 3x6,9 00 = 369, Eyes On


"Now owner Emma Gray is not letting Megan out of her sight until she is collected by the buyer. The shepherdess, 33, who lives on a 100-acre farm near Otterburn, Northumberland, said: ‘I should wrap her up in cotton wool after she sold for that. You hope for a good fee but it was still a surprise. She’s been bought by a farmer in Oklahoma who has a herd of wagyu cattle."



33 = cabal

Oklahoma!= 1955, first feature film photographed in the Todd-AO 70 mm widescreen (CAPS only gematria for Todd-AO = 36). It is about a FARM girl and her two rival suitors.


"She sold at Skipton Auction Mart, North Yorkshire, for 18,000 guineas, an old currency still traditionally used in some livestock bidding. Mrs Gray set the previous record of £14,700 for sheepdog bitch Brenna a year ago. The world’s most expensive dog is a Tibetan mastiff, sold for £772,000 in China in 2014."


Both 772 and 2014 resolve to 7.


No way this story deserves to be replayed every half hour on BBC24… it's the kind of thing that takes 1 inch of back page space in a newspaper!


Is this referring to Meghan Markle? If so what is it messaging?


ETA - now Meghan is married to Prince Harry her name is Meghan Windsor… the initials MW give gematria of 36 = 6x6 = 3x12!