Anonymous ID: 490bb4 Feb. 24, 2020, 5:50 a.m. No.8233716   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Don't worry about Q.


Did you see the guy in the suit dancing at the Cricket Venue, Tall with redish hair.

I posted it last night, and reposted some in this bread. Some people got excited thinking it was maybe someone we know. I thought it very curious and . . . it was suggested for NOTABLES, but didn't make it.

The man was wearing an Italian style suit, and was much taller than everyone around him.

why this little clip was included in the feed?

It made me wonder if my feed had been compromised and . . . (it was the middle of the night).

anyway, it did not get in notables. here is a link to that in the overnight bread:


>>8231873 (pb)

>>8231978 (pb)

>>8231989 (pb)

>>8231947 (pb)

Anonymous ID: 490bb4 Feb. 24, 2020, 6:05 a.m. No.8233756   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So now the rats are trying to say that Donnie is doing a purge?


All the Barttlebees will be claiming victim status for the rest of their lives.


why do these people think they deserve jobs for life in our government. Many of them were not even born in the United States, and were brought here as children and inserted into oursystem in a 'go to the head of the class' methodology, and lionized for just being fromsomewhere else, meanwhile others were told that it was only their 'privledge' that made them think that it was curious that so many ex-Soviet people ended up running everything in Washington.


Or here is another one: stop acting like a government service job is a fuedal right and that you can keep if for the rest of your life.


Some people were made to walk away from it.

Put within a hazing, in a no win maze of managers who knew you weren't a secret-handshake person, they decided to try their hands elsewhere, to do something better.


Job for life people in Washington: your performance review has been completed. It's not personal, but you'll have to deal with your prior behaviors.

Anonymous ID: 490bb4 Feb. 24, 2020, 6:35 a.m. No.8233896   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A Solar scheme was also at the heart of the Cliven Bundy stand off, an important moment when Patriots with in the government decided to stand down when they realized that managers had mislead them about the series of events and the purposes of governace, in making the land grab, and enforcing it with rifles. Soon after Harry Reed (sp) would be gone from office. BLM wanted to use Cliven's land for a swap that was allowed for 'mitigation' purposes, so a choice piece of land that was designated an 'endangered species habitat' could be populated with a solar cell array.

Mitigation would be useful at a shore in East, maybe partial acres, some small piece, swapped for another, which sea and tide will make the same. In the case of using that method at Gold Butte and for turtles . . . that weren't really even endangered, BLM exposed themselves as trying to gather a kind of kick back for letting Harry and friends get their way. The prize? a pot of money that they would use to set up a new turtle habitat and proposals for a grid of observation towers.

the one casualty of it was a mountain biker who was shot for tresspassing on the land, I don't know the details.


in the end the Patriots on both sides decided to stand down. The BLM managers who had called in the marksmen? They probably still have their Washington jobs.


