Anonymous ID: 529ca7 Feb. 24, 2020, 5:07 a.m. No.8233584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3615 >>3674 >>3700 >>3735 >>3760

Coronavirus theory


I've been thinking about how the current Coronavirus situation could be playing into The Plan.


Time and time again Q has reminded us that we're watching a movie and that Patriots are in control. They have also suggested that Russia and China are working with Potus to help him take down the global network that has enslaved humanity.


Based on this I wonder if the Coronavirus situation might be there to serve a couple of purposes:


1) The smokescreen to allow the most critical phase of the plan to be enacted ie a period of lockdown/martial law to allow the major arrests to take place under the guise of a global pandemic.


2) The start of the release of hidden technologies. In this scenario that would be A CURE FOR THE COMMON COLD!


Just think about it. How much cash must they be making by suppressing the cure for the cold? And that's the most common type of coronavirus:


Just think about it, the white hats need to incrementally roll out the hidden technologies in a way that doesn't destabilise humanity and what better way would there be if one bright boffin managed to develop a cure for the coronavirus pandemic and at the same time rid humanity of the common cold.


Just a thought.