Ben Fulford calls out Trump and Q as Zionists.
We also note that Trump has lost much of his military support. That’s why he was forced to hire the openly gay flaming Zionist U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell as acting Director for National Intelligence. It’s also why Trump-Q-anon is pushing his flunky Kashyap Patel as a “name to remember.”
CIA and Marine veteran Robert David Steele notes:
“The secret mandarins will lie to the Acting DNI and his new hires such as Kashyap Patel, all of whom are just as ignorant of the substance of intelligence despite their super smarts on knowing what the President needs but is not getting – apart from subversion and lies. As with [Secretary of State Mike] Pompeo, the secret world will seek to charm and subvert, and Grenell’s enchantment with genocidal Zionism will be his Achilles’ heel.”
Of course, there is a much bigger game