>where's Randy Newman when we really need him most
Fat compd bitches got
No reason
Fat compd bitches got
No reason to live
>where's Randy Newman when we really need him most
Fat compd bitches got
No reason
Fat compd bitches got
No reason to live
you're still a fag even in muh dreams
>Please fix the catalog. We're invaded by muh concernfags.
CM has his crack H1B team on it as we speak.
In 3 months they'll have the index fixed just as you requested.
>You know these are the key members, don't you?
You know you have no fucking clue whether that's true or not, don't you?
Damn I wish I had said that first.
It's going to haunt me all day.
I so dislike you right now fren.
>damn I'm so hungry when's lunch?
Ok, guyz, I'll change my mind and go along with the rest of you.
Harvey: <throws walker to the sidewoo-hoo don't need this no more!
Lawyer: Dude we gotta go to LA now
Harvey: Fuck!
He also talks about elite Pedo colonies on Mars.
Even AJ was like Dude WTF?!? which is nearly impossible to do.
> 2016 2017 time frame
He did fuck over that Jason Goodman guy which I guess falls under mother's try to say something nice about him rule.