At noon, POTUS has been in office 1130 days.
11.3 Marker?
Also, kek…@PlaysTrumpCard responded to me suggesting his tweet RT'ed by POTUS is partly about FE disclosure. He was either directly mocking me or giving me a nod under the guise of mocking me. All mocking here is welcome…I know something's coming.
Also, the NowC@mesTHEPain PSWD reveal is at least partly about FE, IMO, and that was 645 days ago (546="flat earth" in gematria)
So was "covfefe" (partly IMO)
5-31-2017 at 12:06 EDT/11:06EST 5-30
91=flat earth
321=flat earth
546=flat earth
Maybe we'll see something in HD that's pretty dang persuasive.