Many commonly accepted rules, beliefs, and concepts that over time have resulted in today’s belief system, must be exposed for what they really represent before those who consider them acceptable will be able to see them for what they really are–programs based in false beliefs and the surrendering of personal power to those who seek it for themselves.
God of the Church is not the same God who is guiding us towards this process of purification. The distortion of facts, the manipulation and sabotage of the Holy Scriptures, the secrets, but above all the twisted indoctrination of the Church, to create the Christian according to their miserable vision, have produced a vision and image of God in people' minds, which is by no means true.
The Divine Spirit dwells in us and the most amazing thing is that God is not a mystery, an unattainable and untouchable entity. The truth is that in order to communicate and be in His presence, an extremely simple act is sufficient:
Hold back, close your eyes and look for Him in your soul.
The even though poetical prayers, which have been taught to us since childhood, are not what he expects of us. From us he only desires the awareness of his presence in us. He knows the rest. He knows our problems, our weaknesses. There is no need to ask. It is enough to be aware of his presence.
Give up the false doctrines of the Church, but be careful not to exceed your new acquired spiritual freedom.
Satan is a scare tactic to control, I only offer guidance.
Unconditional love can only ever be all there is because there is only ONE–one substance, one life, one reality, one law. Love is the energetic glue connecting everything within this Infinite ONE and those who ignorantly continue to believe in and live out from a consciousness of separation and duality create for themselves the illusory forms of these beliefs.
There are some who present a very religious face to the public, preaching ideas of love, but who do not practice them when confronted with experiences or opportunities that may result in personal inconvenience or lifestyle discomfort. Unconditional love cannot continue being flowery words spoken or written, but must become an attained state of consciousness.
Because Love/oneness is the only reality, all false concepts about love must be allowed to fade away and be replaced by a deeper realization of what love really is. The third dimensional belief system has created and promoted hundreds of concepts of love, the grandest of them being romantic love.
Romantic love is based in the belief that everyone is half of a couple. This concept would be true if humans were simply physical, but they are not and never have been. Although appearing to be just physical, the reality is that everyone is a whole and complete expression of Divine consciousness having the experience of being in physical form.
Many, even the very evolved are reluctant to move past their favorite three dimensional concepts of love but as long as an individual continues to seek wholeness, happiness, and fulfillment from another, they remain just that– half of a couple.
God is not ‘up there’ while you remain ‘down here’. Every teaching plainly states, though sometimes taught differently, that God is everywhere, in everything. You being a ‘thing’, in other words manifested in form, are included in that statement. Moreover, you are told that you are made in the likeness of God. You can see that no two of you look exactly alike, so what does that mean? Could it be that it is, perhaps, a non-physical likeness?
So here is the thing, as you say: you are made by your Divine Source, of your Divine Source. And that Being is living as and through you, all of you. And, by the way, expressing as and through every single thing you see and those you don’t see.
So, next: there is nothing for you to become. You are IT already. You simply need to allow yourselves to remember and believe that you are what you already are. Now we know that after thousands of years of having been told that this was not true and that it was, in fact, blasphemous, impossible, this ‘simple’ thing we describe is not easy. But it is a process that you can begin and carry through if you refuse to quit. And we also tell you that the divine being that you are in truth will not rest until this transition is complete.
When I use the term SELF as applied to man, we mean the DIVINE SPARK OF GOD-AWARENESS which severs the physical body from the Cosmic Light of Mind. The discovery of one's Self, therefore, means the discovery of one's divinity which unites man with God.
When we use the term SELF as applied to man, we mean the DIVINE SPARK OF GOD-AWARENESS which severs the physical body from the Cosmic Light of Mind. The discovery of one's Self, therefore, means the discovery of one's divinity which unites man with God.
“Instead of writing holiness into the Adam and Eve FABLE, they wrote evil into it and made of God's one holy law the basis of "original sin". This stupid and corrupted idea is now disappearing as intelligence in spiritual man unfolds, but it is still part of the thinking of fully three-quarters of the human race, and women are still held to be inferior to men and not ONE with them.”
KNOWLEDGE and IDEA are GOD QUALITIES. They ARE. They do not BECOME. They are within you. You do not LEARN them. You RECOGNIZE and REMEMBER them when they awaken from their dormant state within you little at a time. No teacher can teach you these things. No book can give them to you. The divine teacher can but reinspire you with his own inspiration. He cannot GIVE it to you from himself. He can but AWAKEN it from its dormancy in you. That is what we are endeavoring with all our might to do. Our words have their limitations, however. What is written between the lines of those words is what we "feel" in our inner Selves. We cannot write that down, but you can feel it within your own Self if you seek the silences in sufficiently deep communion to become one with our thoughts.”
“There is nothing except GOOD in all the universe, for God is Love and He created a universe of Love in all its expressions which is like unto Him.
There is no sin in all of the universe. Sin is a product of MAN. It is made by man in his own image, for every creation of man is like unto man.
Pagan teachings tell you that your sins can be forgiven by God and that "Jesus" came to save you from sin. That pagan belief will continue to create the belief in, and the practice of, sin as long as people are misled into believing that they can be saved from sin or forgiven for sinning. Sinning means hurting one's self or another by disobeying the law of love. When one does that, the damage is done and it cannot be forgiven one way or another. He who "sins" can stop sinning, like sound which ceases when its cause ceases. Neither God nor "Jesus" can void that which has happened. It is recorded by the light waves of the universe forever. Its record is in the seed of the "sinner" whom it alone hurts.”
“No man can stop hurting another, or himself, except the man himself. "Sin" is man's self-teachings. They are his lessons of life. He gradually learns his lessons and, as he learns them, he stops sinning. What man calls "sin" is, therefore, GOOD for it leads to GOOD. Creation grows that way. Civilizations unfold that way. Creation is a drama of CAUSE and EFFECT. It is a hundred-million-years-long lesson in learning how to balance EFFECT with its CAUSE. He who erros in learning that lesson is like unto the schoolchild who adds his figures wrongly, or the man whose forgetfulness to turn a switch derails a train.”