Qtards are allergic to facts and get big mad online whenever something disrupts their religious worldview (muh landslide).
Economy is already tanking due to the virus and Trump is not doing anything to prep. A tanked economy is Trump's worst nightmare. Despite wishful thinking and complete arrogance of you Dunning-Kruger retards, you'll be blinded when Sanders wins, as will Trump. Trump had his chance to clean house. Instead he hired people who hate him and seems to think he has years to fix his shit. No declas. No arrests. He hasn't done shit and people will turn on him no problem once he's down and being kicked. Of course, Q has been jerking you off about muh plan and of course exactly nothing's happened and now its too late. Lol. Couldn't happen to a more stupid, dim-witted bunch of asshole than Qtards. Enjoy the gulags!