Still newfag, no offense, I truly want to help fren with some friendly advice I myself had to learn, here we go;
Grow a thicker skin, seriously. Happiness IS a choice, learn, yes learn not to be triggered. Think of it this way, out there in the world there are millions of people, a LOT living their lives angry at the world, why would/should you care what they think? Their anger issues are theirs and theirs alone, UNLESS you allow them to trigger you. Once they trigger you, get you mad, then you're sucked into their anger and that's exactly what they want, they derive pleasure from triggering you, that's exactly why they are here, trigger you, get you to respond and they've got their slide, SUCCESS! They want you to be angry, they hate it that you're comfy and happy while their angry, to them it's not fair.l Get it? Stay comfy and happy, IGNORE them! It will make it a really comfy time here.
Learn to speed read this board, practice. Shill/clown post stick out like a sore thumb, once spotted STOP reading and skip right past them. After 2-3 of practice it will become second nature and you won't need the filter anymore.
HAPPINESS IS A CHOICE! Stay comfy fren, enjoy the show. BTW, everyone here was a newfag at one time, many forget that fact.