Tanks, bakerfag.
>WTF are patriot anons not OUTRAGED these child pornography "cartoon" ads that are appearing at the top of our breads?!?
We're moar outraged by fat asses.
If you want censorship, go back to fakebook.
>But. Get. Those. Tawdry. Sleazy. Evil. Pedo. Promotions. Off. This. Board.
Go for it anon. All you have to do is buy the ad space.
If you aren't willing to do your part, STFU and quit whining. This board is owned by a guy who ran side gigs owning jap porn sites while in the military, AND Q CAME TO HIM.
>WTF is up with the site loading up, very glitchy.
Probably overloaded by anons and shills complaining about site being glitchy.