all will be revealed, Baker
Jimmy the Peanut is the only one sitting there who is not a confirmed criminal
fuck the rest of those bastards
quads chkd
when is something going to actually happen ?
just install an ad blocker, you sperg
understandable rage when we don't see any arrests of big names
even Weinstein just got off with a slap on the wrist, when he should have been jailed for life
White Squall is actually White Squib
you: head in the sand moran
I doubt that Bath-House Barry will ever be arrested/pay for his crimes
The joke is on us anons, we've been suckered and roofied for years to prevent us actually rising up
that was 2 fkn years ago, anon
what "new" flu drugs have come out ?
a corona virus innoculation is at least 1 year away: WHO
Huma and Brennan are MB too