Who wrote this fucking shit software this site runs on?
What a fucking mess this is.
We are going to save the world?
What a fucking joke.
I'm not that wheelchair bound faggot, but he wrote this fucking software. We should have farmed it out to some h1-B Haji's. Fuck fuck.
A fucking 5th grader to do a better job.
Fucking tired of this shit. Two and a half years of bullshit captcha issues, server taking too long. What the fuck.
Is it????
I have never wanted to throw my computer across the room on any other we site in the last 25 years, as I have here.
This is just getting stupid.
Done that for over two years of the site being stupid. You know the actual way all this works is rudimentary. Just because no one seems to be able to make this work right is frustrating.
Trying to post this message gets me the stupid "Your post has taken too long blah blah."
Why would Hotwheels come on this board and shitpost about his crappy software?
You realize that little fuck wrote this 3rd. grade level bullshit right?