This document proves conspiracy that goes across two administrations. It's contents are also unfucking believable and can be strongly correlated to how the cabal controls almost everything and tries to control everything it can't.
>Preface signed by Dr Eliot A. Cohen
Appointed by Bush Jr. Resigned January 13th implying the document was finished before Obama's inauguration. Total spook, never Trumper, cabal.
Quite a character.
>What Country was the true intended target?
Cohen Quote "If you have somebody there [at Defense] who's already made it clear that he does not want to engage in a confrontation with Iran, what kind of negotiating leverage do we have? … You want to have as secretary of defense somebody who's the heavy. Somebody who's the guy who looks as if he's perfectly capable of waging war against you and happy to do it. That's just kind of elementary negotiating tactics."
They also seem to be using the same COIN tactics on the internet which implies they see free thinkers as insurgents.