Q Post #3881 - Nate Cain interview:
A contractor who wishes to submit information to congress as a whistleblower must follow the ICWPA rules, which requires that the information first be submitted to the IG's office to get approval. Nate obtained approval from Horowitz but congress was leery of receiving a package from an unknown source, fearing it was a setup, but Horowitz agreed to submit it to congress. So the house intelligence committee received Nate's package but the Senate committee's copy got stuffed into a safe and never reviewed. Then Nunes lost control of the house committee after the mid-terms and Schiff took over, so Nunes never got the opportunity to do anything with the information. This has left Nate not sure if his package was received and reviewed by the right people.
Is Q telling Nate that the package was well received? (Pic related)
The process for a contractor to submit information as a whistleblower can be found here:
>Think: re: why [no] arrests (justice) yet?
>What if (almost) every critical position [sr] within the US GOV apparatus was infiltrated?
Nate was raided by the FBI despite being under whistleblower protection and he has never been charged. He and family members were harassed by DS FBI agents and one agent spread lies about him under the guise of "interviewing" those who knew him in his community. A Clinton appointed judge also withheld exculpatory evidence.
What happened to Nate (and Flynn) serves as an example of why there have been no arrests/justice yet: DS sleepers run deep through our justice system and must be cleaned out first.