Anon decode:
1000 points=Bush, W/[HW]
Sitting Pres=BO
very big cannon= Bill Clinton
very big cannon= Nukes + rogue hostile/warring nation
very big cannon= Haiti earthquake?
son= Kim Jr. NK (gained power 2011)
son= solar BC, haiti ([a]current news feb 2014)?
Bush, BC, BO conspired to use NK as a rogue war nest, killed leader and took son hostage. Used secret tech/nukes? to create Haiti earthquake, BC and GWB worked to use relief funds/charity in Haiti to take over Haiti as a slush fund and revenue stream (trafficking/pedo shit, etc.) to fund NK nuke development and posiiton it as Q has told us….
who really controls nk, why is BO in NK, etc.
big picture is rare!
a good start i think, more to it for clarity i am sure.
On 17 December 2011, Kim Jong-il died from a heart attack. His youngest son Kim Jong-un was announced as his successor
[a] Bill Clinton arrived in Haiti on Monday to shine a spotlight on some of the projects that his private foundation has supported to help the country recover from a devastating earthquake in 2010.
The former U.S. president began the visit with a tour at a solar-powered ….