Oh Sheet Anons!
I was watching a commercial and they are running a commercial where Jenny Craig the weight loss centers that provides all you meals, so the person can lose weight, is recommending getting your DNA tested, they don’t exactly say why on the commercial
What lab do they send your blood to?
What is the reason to get your DNA tested to lose weight?
Who are the results shared with? Is it 23 and me?
What other companies are collecting your DNA?
Do they share your DNA with other companies?
What are they using it for?
It’s certainly not science based investigation on disease?
Why are they trying to collect everyone’s DNA? One drop of blood can identify you!
Urging people to get a DNA test is a warning sign, especially when they don’t disclose why you should get a DNA test so that you can lose weight!
WTF is funding this and what kind of database are you going to be in, especially since most people don’t read the disclosures. Read disclosures people when signing forms. If you don’t understand the language take it yo someone that does.