Bilderberg again.
Been reading this Global Research article again. It exposes the Bilderberg wish list discussed at the 2009 meeting. There was some dissagreement about which would be better; a prolonged agonizing depression or a short, intense depression.
A report on the meeting said,
“One of Bilderberg’s primary concerns….is the danger that their zeal to reshape the world by engineering chaos (toward) their long term agenda could cause the situation to spiral out of control and eventually lead to a scenario where Bilderberg and the global elite in general are overwhelmed by events and end up losing their control over the planet.”
Topics also included:
— establishing a Global Treasury Department and Global Central Bank, possibly partnered with or as part of the IMF;
— a global currency;
— destruction of the dollar through what longtime market analyst Bob Chapman calls “a stealth default on (US) debt by continuing to issue massive amounts of money and credit and in the process devaluing the dollar,” a process he calls “fraud;”
— a global legal system;
— exploiting the Swine Flu scare to create a WHO global department of health; and
— the overall goal of a global government and the end of national sovereignty.
"…exploiting the Swine Flu scare to create a WHO global department of health…"?
Anon does not believe, for an instsant, that Bilderbergers have given up on their scheme. Corona virus replaces Swine Flu and causes markets to tank? Two goals achieved with one stone?
"…the end of national sovereigty."?
By failing to secure national boarders? By flooding nations with "migrants"?
By resisting a self proclaimed nationalist President and his supporters at every turn?
This sounds like Pelosi's (and her team's) playbook.
Anon believes Q has provided us with the information. We have missed the clues, or news unlocks the map.
Q says DS plans are known. Q #2575 is an example of known plans.