pg 17 - Fancy Graphics — Interesting "Water" as a prlmary ingredeint….
Michelle Malkin on a roll here… up to 30+ companies supporting the COIN insergency
anyFag got the dig on RASER ?
"Rapid Analytic Support and Expeditionary Response (RASER) teams"
Q never said that patriots were required by USSS to take off their Qanon tshirts.
So why wold some of these people bring in two shirts, one with a Q slogan and another without?
And here in the latest Vegas rally a woman was apparently NOT required to take off her Q tshirt.
It's relevant to another question Q asks:
That is the question.
Q never said anything about USSS requiring patriots to remove their Qanon shirts.
Q did intimate they bring in two t-shirts though.
Expand your thinking.
What if these people with two t-shirts are not patriots?
What else might they be doing in playing this game?
What is a spell?
That is bullshit.
There is no sauce for that.
Shills are trying to convince everyone that USSS requires patriots to remove their Qanon tshirts. This is a lie.
Q never confirmed any such story about USSS requiring people to take off their qanon tshirts.
Q does ask, "What is a spell?" however.
We have to expand our thinking. What is the real purpose behind this game being played by fake patriots? Do they believe in Satan? All for a LARP?
What is a spell?!!!!
Q has confirmed ZERO cases of USSS asking anons to remove their shirts.
I am implying that they use TWO shirts for some other reason. "TWO becomes the solution."
Shils will discount many arguments as a "slide" – insinuating that the argument is fake and divisive and disinfo.
I am presenting a legitimately argued theory, and shills are attacking it.
There are many "slides" on the breads that are "rea slides" – ie., disinfo campaigns to change the narrative.
I am not trying to give disinfo. I'm trying to explain something that nobody else has successfully explained yet. Q gives us the dots, and I'm making some connections.
Magic is real.
Useful references. Saved. Thank you.
Dang, now that's a dilemma. An apparent shill posts a meme that I really want to save.