McMaster's claim to fame comes from being commander of Eagle Troop at the Battle of 73 Easting during Desert Storm. Native of Philly, educated at UNC Chapel Hill (there's a good communist), wrote a critically acclaimed thesis on lack of leadership during Veet-Nam
>as if that was hard to do.
Got his Shiny Silver Star for his Cav Troop blowing away 28 tanks with 0 losses at 73 Easting. Command has its privileges, I guess. Kudos to the Cav, but Holy God in Heaven, they out-matched the Republican Guard heavily in their top-of-the-line M1 Abrams tanks vs Soviet hand-me-downs.
Sucked Petraeus' wee-wee for much of his career (with handies to John Abizaid).
Throw in a rather polished rep from the Middle East and voila!, instant reputation.
His laurels really rest on H Norm, the guy who happened to put him in the right place/right time to make his bonez. Scharzkopf, for all his faults, was at least a straight shooter. Innocent as a lamb, fierce as a lion.
I miss him. Much.