Did you guy's catch the K-Club line in the Nate Cain interview?
After an apparent Clinton pay-to-play operation, Barack Hussein Obama administration officials handed over control of Port Canaveral’s cargo container operations to the brother of Saddam Hussein’s chief WMD nuclear physicist, Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar.
Port Canaveral is home to a U.S. Navy submarine base and sits within the nexus of U.S. Air Force and NASA space operations. Canaveral is also the second largest cruise ship port in the world.
Iraqi nuclear scientist Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar (left) is the brother and business partner of Hamid Dhia Jafar, Chairman of The Crescent Group (right)
The “secretly-negotiated” 2014 backroom deal, code named “Project Pelican,” covertly awarded the Crescent Group’s GT USA LLC a 35-year container terminal lease at Port Canaveral. GT USA is owned by Gulftainer Company Limited, a unit of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)-based Crescent Group of Companies.
Russia’s Club-K Container Missile Launch System: An Apocalyptic Threat
A paradigmatic example of the application of Sun Tzu’s principle of deception in warfare, is the Russian-designed WMD delivery system known as the Club-K (Klub-K). Russia’sClub-K container cruise missile launch system, the so-called ‘pandora’s box’ or ‘doomsday box,’ is an apocalyptic needle in a haystack, a modern-day WMD Trojan Horse delivery mechanism controlled via satellite.
U.S.defense experts have stated that the Russians have sold Club-K to Iran and also possibly to North Korea, Venezuela, Malaysia, China, and the UAE. Club-K container cruise missile launchers are designed to look identical to standard ISO intermodal commercial cargo containers, making them extremely difficult to detect and track.Club-K containers can be moved unnoticed throughout the United States aboard ships, riverine boats, rail cars, and flatbed semi-trailers.
Club-K Russian Kalibr-class cruise missiles can carry nuclear, EMP, chemical, biological, or conventional payloads and could deliver instant devastation far beyond anything Americans witnessed during the Pearl Harbor and 9/11 attacks.
The Club-K is a Trojan Horse that hides enemy missiles in order to attack the United States from inside the United States.
Massive amount of research in links.