Hey anons, so today go a phone call from my cable/internet company telling me that my wifi network was changed to public and they asked if I gave my password to someone else. I of course know how to check my connections, how I set it pu and if I am on a private or public network (I am always set up for private with alot of security)…I told this guy I didn't need his help with this and asked him his name and his actual phone number which he gave me it was from Cali and I am in the Northeast, he had an accent but spoke excellent English. After this exchange he stated that if I wasn't going to tell him what he was asking then they would not be responsible for any breaches or security issues I might have at which that time I hung up and called my Internet company's service number. I was told that there appears to be no issue with anything do to with my security and that they would open an investigation with the name and number i gave them. I at that point changed my wifi password and have not noticed anything different.
Any feedback as to what this is? I was pretty nasty to be honest and kept asking how would you know what I am doing (I know the answer to this just wanted to see if he would tell me something that technically would be spying on me or illegal according to the contract for service I have with said internet co). Anyone else have this experience….