Because she knows it is hopeless or she is really stupid to pop her head up with that biased comment.
Are you serious? That means timothy Hellman (sp)? Who is being charged with pedophila is probably guilty as well. Fields is a fraud?
I have friend who hang on Field’s word, it will kill them. Personally l found the guy could not get to the point. I should have known, he was full of shit, not eccentric. I haven't listened to his rambling for years and years. listened to him.
i need sauce before l tell them. Nothing in the attchmented papers mentions the Juan as an alias.
Pray without ceasing, Bible tells us all. I talk to God all day long. I listen all day long for his still small voice, which becomes quieter as you maintain a close relationship with Jesus Christ.
I will pray for you to be protected. For the spirit of the Lord to surround you and protect you. I pray right now that you will be invisible to all evil spells and curses. I pray all evil against you and your family is impotent. Thank you Jesus