Anonymous ID: c67313 Feb. 24, 2020, 8:36 p.m. No.8240626   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Catholics blind about Islam should read new exposé book Black Wave

'Black Wave' should serve as a wake-up call to all those blue skies Catholics who worry more about the threat of 'Islamophobia' than the reality of Christian genocide.


February 24, 2020 — The other night, I caught an interview on PBS between Fareed Zakaria and Kim Ghattas, the author of Black Wave — an examination of the great cultural shift that occurred in the Middle East after 1979. It was the year of the Iranian Revolution, which brought the mullahs into power and, in the words of one reviewer of the book, “turned back decades of social liberalization in Iranian society.”


1979 was also the year that Saudi fundamentalists seized the Grand Mosque in Mecca, leading the royal family to make significant concessions to the hardline Wahhabi religious establishment. As the New York Times review noted:

The Saudi authorities removed women from television newscasts, blotted out the faces of women in newspaper photographs[.] … Beach clubs and cinemas were closed. The religious police … [were] newly empowered.


The “black wave” that Ghattas refers to was the hasty adoption of dark hijabs, chadors, and abayas that swept through the Middle East in the years following 1979. In the 1960s, President Nasser of Egypt had joked about how a Muslim Brotherhood leader had demanded that he enforce the wearing of the hijab, but by the time Mohamed Morsi rose to power, the hijab was no longer a laughing matter in Egypt.


…If Islam can turn the vibrant culture of the Middle East into a cultural wasteland, why shouldn’t we worry about what it might do to the rest of the world?


Open Doors’ World Watch List 2020 ranks the 50 countries where Christians are most persecuted for their faith. Of the 50 nations composing the list, 38 either are Muslim-majority or have a large Muslim population. Seven of the top ten offenders are Muslim nations.

The World Watch List reports that “260 million Christians experience high levels of persecution” and that “Islamic oppression” is the chief source of persecution. Given this evidence and similar reports from other sources, how can one maintain that Islam is not a threat to Christianity? And why should someone who points out an obvious fact be accused of Islamophobia?